Moko Somõkõw translates to Moko Family, Moko Somõkõw is a band of Moko Jumbie performers hailing from Trinidad. Led by their head performer Mr-Alan Vaughan. Specialising in Carnival performances all over the world.
“Moko” means healer in Central Africa and “jumbi”, a West Indian term for a ghost or spirit that may have been derived from the Kongo language word zumbi. The Moko Jumbies are thought to originate from West African tradition brought to the Caribbean.
At our carnival Moko Somõkõw performed “The Flying Africans”; a mas portraying the myth of the Flying Africans. A famous story is that African slaves jumped overboard from a slave ship and drowned at a place now known as Igbo Landing in Georgia. In their quest for freedom, their spirits flew back to Africa. There are several catalogued similar episodes – representing that the African spirits could always overcome the chains of slavery.
A Moko Jumbie character may wear colorful garb and carnival masks. Traditionally the face of a Moko Jumbie is completely covered, obscuring their human identity, even if they do not wear a decorative mask.
We are incredibly grateful to have had such talent at this years Barking and Dagenham carnival thank you very much to Moko Somõkõw for their wonderful show!